Hello! I’m a staff of Calico Circus Tattoo🐱
Today, please let me introduce you some Tattoos by artists from our studio. Specifically, ANIME DESIGN!
Our artists are capable of tattooing all genres ultimately, but as a matter fact these days, many of them visit us from all over the world, to get anime tattoos on them!
‘Anime Tattoo’ is called ‘Otaku Tattoo’ ‘Itattoo’ both meaning “Nerdy Tattoo”(meaning of Otaku may vary!)
I want you to sit back, relax and enjoy the gallery below.
Any anime are welcomed. Please feel free to contact us if you are planning Tokyo trip and get tattoo!
MICA’s recent anime tattoo.
MUKIE’s recent anime tattoo.
もののけ姫 Princess Mononoke 風の谷のナウシカ Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind POWER PUFF GIRLS リラックマ RILAKKUMA おしゃれキャットマリー The Aristocats
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About Shop
Calico Circus Tattoo is a tattoo studio in Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan.
Now we have two female artists. We have guest artists from in/out of Japan time to time (You can check guest artists information on our blog / Instagram).
Please contact us 1-3 months before if you want to book a session. Especially Mica’s. Because reservation for her meet its limit very quickly. Booked fully 3 months later ahead usually.
To be able to know when to contact, for notifications, please subscribe our newsletter. (Don’t worry, not gonna send spam!)
Calico Circus Tattoo (キャリコサーカスタトゥー)は東京は世田谷区南烏山のタトゥースタジオです。2019年まではDetroit Diesel Tattoo Worksとして運営していました。(現在は同スタジオは2店舗目として移転。)