All Genres.
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ご予約・お問い合わせ (Booking and contact)
Contact to MICA

ウェイティングリストへのご登録 Register for the waiting list
今頑張ってウェイティングのお客様を彫り進めているのですが1人なのでサクサク進めるのは難しく、まだたくさんのお客様にお待ち頂いている状態なので、タイミングが合えばの一応のご登録でも構いません。 すぐにご対応できない状態で申し訳ございません。よろしくお願い致します。
Due to our busy schedule, new customers are asked to register on the waiting list and we will guide you in order. If you are willing to wait patiently, please register on the waiting list. I’m doing my best to engrave customers who are waiting, but it’s difficult to proceed smoothly because I’m alone, and there are still many customers waiting, so if the timing is right, I don’t mind if you register.
We apologize for not being able to respond immediately. Thank you very much.

2023/03/14 MICA
海外から旅行で来られる施術希望の外国人の方は月に数名分受け入れ枠があります。3ヶ月以上先のご予定でお問い合わせください。We have a few slots available per month for foreigners who are traveling from abroad and wish to receive reservation. Please inquire at least 3 months in advance.


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